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Welcome Vinston Spring Machinery

CMM-12-450R Spring Machine

  • CMM-12-450R Spring Machine
CMM-12-450R Spring Machine
  • Model: CMM-12-450R
  • Introduction: Special camless design equipped with Vinston’s free arm technolgy that enables our series of spring machines to easily produce all kinds of difficult springs that is 30% or more efficient than traditional cam type spring former.
  • Spec: Special camless design equipped with Vinston’s free arm technolgy that enables our series of spring machines to easily produce all kinds of difficult springs that is 30% or more efficient than traditional cam type spring former.
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Product Advantage

1、Windows based operating system.

2、Advance attachments such as rotary wire, spinner, and the x-y free arm can be optionally equipped to the machine.

3、Intuitive graphics user interface is based on Windows and its crash free

4、Characteristic is due to the employment of a bullet proof software engineering methodology. This makes learning and configuring highly complex springs a simple task.

5、Commonly use in the industries of: automobile, wire forms, entertainment and fitness.

Technical Parameters

Wire Dia. 1.2-4.5mm
Max. Wire Feed 10000.00mm
Min. Wire Feed 0.01mm
Max. Wire Feed Speed 30m/min
Max. Wire Feed Length Unlimited
Number Of Axes 13
Power 49.7KW
Voltage 220V(Customizable)
Software Industrial Grade Computer
Program Storage 2500
Air Compresser System Air pressure 5-6KG/cm
Air cylinder 3pcs
Dimensions Depth 2200mm
Width 1760mm
Height 2100mm
Machine Weight 3800KG

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Contact Vinston

Dongguan Vinston Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.
TEL: 86-769-83260992 83260982 83260983 Contact Person: Mr John 86-13802386228
E-mail: spring@vinstoncnc.com FAX: 86-769-83261992
Address: Xialingbei Industrial Zone, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province.

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